New DADI Template and DADI 9
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Has it really been over a month since DADI 8? Lets just say we all needed a break, but the time for DADI 9 is nigh. First, however, a little house keeping...
If you are reading this from Bloglines or another RSS reader, please click on through. We have changed the template and the banner and we'd love for you to check it out. If you see any issues let us know via the comments.
The plan with this new blog is to try and keep all details for each DADI tournament going forward kept within one post. That way, whenever you want to get details on a particular DADI tourney, you can just click on the link at the top and you'll see everything for that tourney in one post. We'll see how things go going forward. The older tourney info is sporadic and across different blogs, but going forward it should be a little easier to keep up with here.
Now on to DADI 9. Actually, we don't have any specifics yet, but just know it is in the works and we'll let you all know as soon as we get everything hashed out. Until then, DADI loves you.
posted by TripJax @ 4:03 PM,